Frederick Forsyth の短編小説の特徴

1. 余計な装飾を徹底的に削り取った、硬質で骨太の文章が醸し出す心地よいリズムと緊張

(例)Samuel Nutkin が売春婦のSallyに電話をかけ、彼女の元に出かけるときの、Nutkinの緊張の高まりと女性の落ち着きぶりを比喩で見事に表現

‘Oh yes, I remeber, Henry. Well now, darling, would you like to come round and see me?’
Samuel Nutkin felt as if his tongue were of old leather. ‘Yes, please’ he croaked.
‘Lovely’, purred the woman at the other end.
He still had the butterflies in his stomach,…
…they had turned into thrashing pigeons, when he turned up at the basement flat jest off Westbourne Grove in Bayswater…
He followed her down the passage to the first room on the left, his heart beating like a tambour.
There is no need to be nerveous. Now, what can I do for you?
He felt as if his mouth was full of quick-drying cement.

2. ストーリー展開の見事さ。意外な結末。

3. 人間観察の見事さ。

4. 今日のイギリス人の生活・社会・言語習慣を身近に知ることができる。

5. 舞台をロンドンの中心地に取っているため、ロンドンを知るための格好の案内書。

6. 抑えたユーモア

7. 弱者への共感
